After bouncing from shelter to shelter, Housing & Hope helped Whitney locate and maintain stable housing for her family. Read her story here.

Children served by The Road Home drew photos of homes during a community art program, Little Picassos.
Our permanent supportive housing programs work to end chronic homelessness by providing support to families facing significant barriers. To qualify for one of these programs, a family must meet both of the following criteria:
- Have an adult with a disability
- Demonstrate chronic homelessness by having experienced either one year of consecutive homelessness or four episodes of homelessness in the past three years.
Programs that fall under this umbrella combine supported, affordable housing with case management services in order to best help these families be successful. These programs recognize and address the long-term challenges faced by families dealing with disabilities. Families can stay in these programs as long as they need help and have a child under age 18 living in their household.
Programs include:
- Housing & Hope is a unique and successful model that provides affordable rent and on-site case management services to Madison area families in two different locations each with 15 apartments owned by The Road Home. The apartments are located in a mixed-income neighborhood, close to schools and bus lines, and with access to a local grocery store. These affordable-housing apartments were developed by our partner, Meridian Group, Inc. and managed by Meridian Group, Inc. and Common Wealth Development.
- Foundations provides scattered-site, permanent supportive housing (housing located throughout the community instead of in one apartment complex) to six families in our community who are chronically homeless. Foundations is primarily funded through HUD with The Road Home providing case management and administering the program. Families pay 30% of their income back into the program.
- The Mainstream Voucher Program is administered by the City of Madison Community Development Authority and Dane County Housing Authority. The Road Home partners with both agencies to provide support services for over 50 families with Section 8 Mainstream and Emergency Housing Vouchers, allowing them to pay 30% of their income for rent. Each housing authority has different eligibility criteria but in both partnerships, the household needs to include a head of household between 18-61 years old with a disability.
- The Breese opened in 2018 and came about through a partnership with Stone House Development, Inc., a local real estate development and consulting firm, with support from the City of Madison and other funding sources. These nine units are three-bedroom townhomes, better accommodating larger families. These townhomes also located in a mixed-income neighborhood, close to schools and bus lines and with easy access to grocery stores and other necessities.
- Fair Oaks Apartments is another innovative partnership with Stone House Development, Inc. to provide affordable three-bedroom apartments for larger families who have experienced homelessness. Through United Way funding, we also be partner with The Playing Field an early learning center on the east side of Madison that will serve children living in Fair Oaks Apartments.
- Tailor Place Apartments were made possible again through a continued partnership with Stone House Development, Inc. Using a “moving on” approach, The Road Home provides on-site case management for 10 units dedicated to families who have previously been in a rapid rehousing program or permanent supportive housing program and are ready to “move on,” thereby opening space in those programs for people coming directly out of homelessness.
- Ace Apartments on Madison’s east side were made possible by many partners including the developers at Movin’ Out, Inc. along with Wisconsin Management Company and Dane County Housing Authority. The Road Home staff provides supportive services for 4 families residing at Ace Apartments who will receive assistance with Project-Based Vouchers.