RaShanna is a mother, a student and most recently a business owner of 3B Healing Valley. In her own words RaShanna tells her story of transforming her life .
by RaShanna Ross
My name is RaShanna. I’m a mother of six kids, a student and a business owner. My oldest son just got his first job. He’s going to be working as a food runner. He is introverted and kind of shy and I’m glad he can put himself out there and grow. I’m very proud of him.
My business, it’s called 3B Healing Valley and the reason I came up with that is because I’m learning about experiences when the heart, the mind and the gut are able to recover and recoup from things that we go through, especially stress, you start to become aware and live your life differently. The spirit can start to heal itself, energy healing resolve, because I had heart issues. And the valley part, we all go through valleys in life. It’s how we respond, how we react that get us out of the valley.
I offer reiki healing, emotional trauma tapping where I work on a series of meridian points. Similar to acupuncture, but no needles, just finger points. I also offer saging and clearing services. I also create my own elixirs which I make with liquids and power from both the moon and the sun. My website has a store where you can buy products and my services.
I am self taught. I learned from a lot of mentors online. About four years ago these mentors are the ones that started helping me learn about myself, learning about my emotions, becoming aware. I wasn’t taught that before. I’m in psychology class, a lecture, right now online. I’ll get a certificate when I complete it.
A lot of stuff started coming together when I found stable housing. Prior to that, this was my mindset: How am I going to get money? How do I get money to feed the kids? All my energy, all my attention was always there. Even when I was in a different moment, my mind was always on how do I get the apartment? So now, being able to be stable, it just takes the whole burden away. Now I’m just trying to dive into everything.
My caseworker Georgie has been a key player in my success with her unconditional support. She helped me sign up for a program called Upstart where I learned about business practices. She also helped me get a printer which has been a huge help for my work. I would say having the support and stable housing has been transformational. The help I’ve received is not a crutch, but has allowed me to break the cycle of habitual homelessness. Since I’ve been 17 or 18 I’ve lived through various types of homelessness every two years or so. Through the support and the healing work I’ve been able to do for myself, I’ve been able to put things into perspective and recover from what happened to me. Being able to be healthy and introspective has made me passionate about helping others especially women who’ve had medical issues or trauma.
I love the colors yellow and brown and red, it’s powerful, it’s a root chakra. I love the spring because it’s a time of renewal and I also love the fall because everything slows down and we can rest and surrender to change. If I were to describe myself to someone else I would say I’m compassionately sincere.
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